Praise the Lord for a fruitful and successful NETS last Oct.23-28 held at Hope Mountain in Davao City. This year we had the biggest delegates coming from 5 cities such as GenSan, Digos, Davao, Panabo, Tagum and Mintal District. We had blessed with 42 trainees and 20 trainors who also undergone HERMENUETICS CLASS. In our catching and catching (OJT-actual soulwinning) for 5 days, we had the total of 223 gospel opportunities, 536 had heard the gospel, and 437 professed Jesus Christ as their Savior. As a result, we had heard many open doors for home bible studies and even students trained were eager to preach the gospel to their loved ones.
To God be the Glory!
"Truly the harvest is plenteous" Our prayer: "Lord lay some souls into our hearts!
His Slave:
- Ptr. Renz Degillo [PR]